The Start Of Something Beautiful
Hooray! I am so glad to finally get this off to a start. Took me over two months to scale over the hurdle of self doubt but I did, learnt a lot of lessons and here I am! Why I started the blog? I love telling stories but it has always been for my personal amusement and a few close friends. I recently got my eyes opened to what the Faith should be like and I wished everyone knew. So many things we are never taught and it affects the foundation of our belief. And then knowing God becomes a burden, when it should be the best thing that ever happened to you. Been there. I thought what could be done? And Ruach HK goes 'you love writing, yea? You should totally tell people in story form, it even sticks better'. And Chesed said we could tell them about the love of God, how they are righteous, what has been done for them and who they really are. So you can expect to see nothing but the truth, mercy and person of God on these pages. ...