Doubt streak?

Some days we have questions. About God. Life. People. We have been called a generation that asks questions. We can't simply accept things to be the way they are. We want to know why. I have found that a lot of people have questions about "the faith". Some ask. Others brush it aside and "carry on". Some day, something happens and since they have no conviction in what they have believed, they are easily swayed. 

I don't have all the answers too. Anyone can be swayed. 

You do realize questions would come for you right, whether you are ready or not. Questions from people. Circumstances. Your personal thoughts. There is a preparation phase though, I really hope you recognize it and utilize it. People are looking for answers. They are tired of surface knowledge. And we are suppose to be the light. What if you also have questions and you are beginning to doubt? 

And Peter says we should always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope that we have. And to do this with gentleness and respect. A "reasoned" answer. 

The thing about questions is that it could either bring you to light. And like the Berean Christians you seek the truth for yourself else it could lead to doubts and confusion. And consequently, turning away. I don't have the "four ways to get conviction" but stay with me. 

It is important that you ask questions when you are beginning to have doubts. Find someone who has understanding to assist you. God also tells us to call to Him and He would show us great and mighty things we don't know. So...there. The answer would probably not come in a way you expect or immediately. So I have found. 

Some days, we ask the questions but we are given responses such as David's in psalm 131, do not exercise yourself in matters too great for you. God is a mystery. Although, some things are best left the way they are. You can only trust God and humble yourself and accept the matter the way it is. A part of Him must remain that way. Or as in psalm 1, we are told not to take ideas, thoughts and counsel from men that do not even know God! Paul seemed really concerned about what Timothy gave his ears to and how it affects his mind. Repeatedly, he tells him to avoid vain babblings, arguments that minister questions. Perhaps, he found that unnecessary questions disturb conviction.

Yet, we always have to be ready to answer questions about our faith when we are called upon. And those response might not suffice to them. And mere head knowledge won't suffice either. Only deep conviction in what we have believed. Such as Paul's. 

Paul was so convinced in what he had believed, he was ready to die for it. We need this if we are ever going to draw people to Christ. Be convicted personally and ofcourse be able to defend the hope you have. I recommend Acts 17. Paul reasoned with the people of that city from the scripture and even quoted their literature. He was that vast. They likewise checked to see if what he said was true(don't give us fable). The Greeks were persuaded. These were learned people. Philosophers dem dem. Even Paul admitted they are always seeking wisdom. But there is a wisdom not of this world. Paul had that. He combined the knowledge of the physical and the wisdom of God, gbam even Greeks came to Christ. Cause, how would you explain to a rich man his need for Jesus? Or Buddhists who can seemingly perform "miracles"? Even science is confirming the scriptures these days. But you can't be lazy with God based research. 

One of the things I have found to cause my "downtime" in "the faith" is conviction. Some days, I wish a truth would just sink into my heart. I want to be able to "comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height". And it tires me when I don't feel that way. And well, everyone around me seems to be getting it, except they are "carrying on". One won't tire of praying for understanding. I am "fully persuaded" of some of the things I once questioned. Step by step. 

There is so much to say and ponder on. I have no conclusion because how? These are not the days to be "shallow" though. I do not know what I would call this entry. Perhaps, a call to take out time to know your God. Beloved, know your God. 

Acts 17
Acts 21:13
1peter 3:15
1 corin 1: 22
Eph 3:18


  1. Awesome!!! Welldone Babe. God bless you. You won't lack oil.

  2. Wow this is nice, an eye opener. It's really personal to me. Thanks

  3. We need to develop deeply rooted conviction in the things that we believe in so that when errors or falsehood come our way, we can easily discern, logically present the scriptures, and not be swayed.


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